Tonight began the first of a series of town halls that Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti is going to lead as a conversation around social media calling the platforms addictive and harmful to children.
Earlier this month Attorney General Skrmetti reached out to me to be on the four-person panel as an expert in this field. For those who do not know I am a Social Media Specialist and have worked in this field for the past nine years and as a web developer before that. Not only do I have this specialized training, but I also am the Next-Gen Pastor of Mosaic Church which currently runs around 800 children under the age of 18 years old, and have seen firsthand the effects of social media in the lives of many children.

The Attorney General is quoted saying about the town hall, “We want to hear stories from people who have been affected. We want to be able to identify potential people who can testify. We have medical experts, we have technology experts, we have education experts, we have an economist, but we need to put a human face on this if we’re going to take it to trial.”
I want to thank the Tennessee Attorney General for hosting this town hall meeting and inviting me to be among the panelist for discussion. A lot of information and stories were shared and I look forward to championing the success of our AG in the larger conversation.