What a great day with Leadership CMCSS!
We started the morning with the Clarksville Montgomery County School System Special Populations leadership team. 15% of our entire student body in Montgomery County is in Special Populations. They gave us a lot of information about 504 and IEP students. Now if you know me you know that I don’t mind asking the tough questions. So many teachers have spoken to me concerned that students with 504 or IEP designations get behavioral special treatment which inadvertently creates situations where students do things that should have greater consequences and they get far lesser consequences. These teachers have expressed that they feel powerless to bring proper discipline and order when the Code of Conduct is not being followed. So during the question and answer section of the morning, I asked about the rise of behavioral problems. They acknowledged there is a bigger issue at play and are looking for solutions. I plan to meet with the director soon in order to help create a solution to this challenging opportunity. Overall it was so great to hear from this team and I for one appreciate the attention and support our district is putting towards the Special Populations students.
The next part of our morning was a bus trip over to take a tour of Northwest High School’s farm located off of Old Dover Road. It is going to be pretty great when it gets up and running. They plan to have a small farm, along with raising animals. They have a whole agricultural program that is from farm to table.
Afterward, we went to Northwest High School. Through Mosaic Church, I am the main representative as a Partner of Education with NWHS so I loved touring the school. I know most of the faculty and staff as we have provided them with a meal for the past five years before their Parent-Teacher Conferences.
We got to check out NWHS’s Career and Technical Education classes. A big “shout out” to Alissia, an NWHS Career and Technical Education student, for being our tour guide! It is always so amazing to check out these classes through tours from Leadership CMCSS to see and hear teachers interacting with students. NWHS has a great program and I got to hear some amazing teachers and students involved in the program. Also, on the tour, it was great to see the auto mechanic classes, culinary classes, and even a class where students learn to care for animals. I got to see some cute dogs getting a bath. A great day indeed!
For those who have been tracking my Leadership CMCSS post and have thought about being in the next class know that applications are now open for the 2022/2023 class and you can apply here: https://cmceducationfoundation.com/…/leadership…/apply/