Endorsement Letter from School Board Chairman Kent Griffy

I am honored to write this letter endorsing Aron Maberry for State Representative for District 68. As the Chairman of the School Board and a dedicated Republican, I have seen firsthand the positive impact Aron has made in our community, and I firmly believe he is the best candidate to represent us in the State Legislature.

During my time working with Aron, I have been impressed by his genuine concern for the well-being and future of our students. He has consistently advocated for policies that prioritize educational excellence, ensuring that our children receive the best possible education. Aron understands the importance of investing in our schools and providing our teachers with the resources they need to succeed.

Aron has never shied away from speaking his mind, from the moment he joined the School Board, advocating for his district and standing for conservative values. He also understands and believes that the parents know what’s best for their children’s education and their family. As a man of faith, I have watched him consistently carry out his responsibilities with the highest integrity and character.

Aron’s commitment to commonsense conservative values is unwavering. He stands firm in his dedication to fiscal responsibility, infrastructure improvements, border security, and public safety. His promise to protect Second Amendment rights and his stance on immigration is reflective of the principles that our community values.

Aron has a proven track record of service and dedication to our community, which makes him the ideal candidate to represent us in the state legislature. While he has made a commitment to finish out his term on the School Board, I know many of you may feel it will be a loss for the board, but it is clear to me that this is his time. It is time to step up and represent District 68, time to stand and be all our voice, and it is his time to serve. If anyone has the bandwidth to do this, it is him. I urge all residents of District 68 to support Aron Maberry in his campaign, as he will undoubtedly serve our community with excellence and commitment.

Kent Griffy
District 4