Endorsement Announcement from County Commissioner Jason Knight

I proudly and with much enthusiasm endorse Aron Maberry for State Representative in District 68. Aron has consistently demonstrated his commitment to our community through his extensive service and conservative values.

With 20 years of leadership experience in building community and relationships through ministry and now as the first elected Republican on the school board, Aron has shown unwavering dedication to serving others, and it is clear that this is his motivation as he looks to serve you in the State Legislature.

As the next State Representative for District 68, Aron will work to improve our infrastructure, support public safety, protect law-abiding citizens, defend our Second Amendment rights – opposing red-flag laws, fight for school choice, and work with the Governor to secure our border and combat illegal immigration. Lastly, Aron will also keep our taxes low, and I refuse to support any candidate who has voted to increase our taxes.

Aron Maberry will represent Montgomery County with integrity, character, and competence. His extensive experience, combined with his deep-rooted commitment to our community and dedication to his faith, makes him the ideal candidate for State Representative in District 68. As a County Commissioner, I represent those within State House District 68 and I ask my constituents and supporters to vote for Aron Maberry in the State Primary, who is the clear choice to be our next State Representative in District 68.


Jason Knight, District 2
County Commissioner
Montgomery County